Optimal tax income
Auto burn
Reflection + Massive unclog
Auto burn balance
Auto blacklist
Preset values
Secure income
Aim high
Punish MEV and snipers
Expected giga-botted
Low volume day
Got some supporters
Contract Name
Total Supply
Max Tx %
Max Wallet %
Final tax
Burn %
Reflection %
Initial buy Tax (also the contract reserve) %
No. of buys to reduce buy tax
Final buy tax %
Initial sell tax %
No. of buys to reduce sell tax
Final sell tax %
Tax Swap Threshold %
Max Tax Swap %
No. of buys before getting tax
Reduce tax function (by anyone)
Reduce tax function (by deployer wallet only)
Blacklist and shake function
Transfer delay enabled
Prevent tax swapping multiple times in a block (may appear as honeypot)
Bundle snipe
Generate seed
Copy seed
Snapshot settings
You can use "Copy seed" button to copy the content and paste to the bot. Reply to the message and type "/generate"